DFE (Formerly DCSF): Parents’ Centre

The ask

No need to feel helpless or lost any longer. The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) asked us to conceive an ad campaign to help raise awareness of their ParentsCentre website, a site providing information for parents on how to help with their child’s learning, including advice on choosing a school and finding childcare.

The task

Show people the result, in a light-hearted yet impressive manner. Our concept showed how parents, through consultation with the site, could help their child 'achieve great things', maximising their talent to never-before-seen levels. Highlights of the campaign include one child modelling Michelangelo’s ‘David’ from plasticine, another building a life-sized sandcastle, and yet another scoring a piece entitled ‘Rachmaninoff – rearranged for the recorder’. Our campaign was seen in national daily newspapers, national consumer magazines and educational press.

The proof

The client was extremely impressed with the initial advertising and the campaign was extended. More importantly, parents' uptake of the site increased dramatically and it prospers to this day.
