Our objective and purpose at CPL is to offer on-site training with the express intention of improving professionalism, through knowledge, confidence building and developing personal qualities. We believe in practical interactive training. Our style is different and considered by most of our clients to be unique. We certainly believe it produces the results our clients require. Our Trainers are all senior members of the Institute of Credit Management and include Anthony Sharp, Glen Bullivant, Alasdair Warwood and Trevor Phillips.
You could call our training ’grown-up training’ in that it provides training that is realistic to the conditions under which staff actually work. Many companies have good in-house training facilities, but we believe many of these operations tend to be very company orientated and basic-soft if you like. Our training carries the advantages of external training provided in-house; it deals with real life issues, provides knowledge awareness that is so vital to quality performance and gives delegates the opportunity of making their own decisions from options given.
As all our courses involve active delegate participation, we can offer a full analysis of delegate performance either during or immediately after the training. An oral rather than written discussion is often felt more appropriate - the greatest benefits are gained the earlier this discussion takes place. Our courses are held at your premises or at a venue of your choice and are suitable for teams of between 5 and 25 staff members.
Subjects Covered
“Achieving success with collections” is a one or two day fully interactive course for front line collectors customised according to whether they are collecting by letter, telephone or door- to - door.
It will explore the structure of collections and cover such important areas as negotiations, listening skills, language skills, assertiveness and distinguishing between the types of defaulters.
The course can involve role-play or taped call analysis workshops.
Who’s Who when collecting debt?
This is a one or one and a half day fully interactive course targeted at front line collectors and their supervisors or team leaders. It aims to assist collectors to understand the type of defaulters that they are dealing with on a day- to –day basis.
The result of this knowledge will help decide the best commercial approach to the next collection action.
It will bring collectors up to speed with the science of better understanding the payment possibilities of debtors. It also is the approach Government wish creditors/ debt collection agencies to adopt, otherwise the Courts may penalise claimants accordingly.
To collect effectively you need to know your debtor-Who’s who when collecting debt?
This is usually a half-day fully interactive course targeted at front line collectors. It will explain to them the present insolvency regulations in plain language and assist them to develop their skills in ascertaining the truth about their’ bankrupt’ debtor. Knowledge of Insolvency will increase the confidence of the collector in their everyday collections operation.
Knowledge is the key to success. This one day interactive course will provide a basic understanding of consumer credit related law in a very practical way to the front line collector. It will build confidence in the collector when handling their defaulting customers. The law is forever changing and it is vital that collectors are enabled to keep up with these changes.
It can cover the following areas of law: - Contract Law, Product Complaint Law, Harassment Law, Data Protection Law, Consumer Credit Law.
The Office of Fair Trading’s Debt Collection Guidance
The main objective of this half day interactive course is to ensure collection staff at all stages of debt collection or their career working within a consumer credit environment, are given the skills to fully understand the important document which is the Office of Fair Trading’s Debt Collection Guidance and as a result to improve and develop their effectiveness in understanding the type of defaulter with whom they are speaking.
The presenter has an ongoing relationship with the OFT and therefore can bring to the course the thinking behind the words of the Guidance- the OFT’s interpretation of their own printed word.
Money Advice & Debt Counselling
This is a one-day course, led by an experienced debt adviser and facilitated by an impartial practitioner in the credit industry. Its purpose is to assist collectors to understand how debt advice operates in the UK, both fee and free.
It will provide full discussion time for debating pressing and perhaps controversial issues and will improve greatly the relationship between creditors, debt collecting companies and advisers for the ongoing benefit of those customers of a company who fall into serious financial difficulties.
Customer Service
Quality service to customers is the hallmark of the successful company. There is still too much ’plastic ‘customer service in the marketplace.
This one day fully interactive course will examine what quality customer service is and is not. It will look at crucial areas such as: _Who is your customer and what are their expectations? Listening skills, Language skills, Complaint handling, telephone behaviour and handling difficult customers. The course will include workshops.
People Management
Regrettably people management skills do not appear to improve as each decade passes. Too often the wrong people are placed in management roles that do not suit them, without enough care or training.
This one or two day fully inter active course will cover important leadership areas as:-
Fair dealing, honesty, confidence, communicating, listening skills, language skills, controlling power, praise & discipline, teamwork, leading by example, delegation, time management, politics, building relationships, presentation skills.
Training the Trainers
A one-day course, usually for supervisory staff that are responsible
for training their own team at or away from their place of work.
It is a fully interactive course including workshops throughout the training
on subjects that include:-
- Understanding the benefits of coaching to the individual and the company.
- Learning to prepare and plan training/coaching sessions.
- Increasing the skills of coaching/training.
- Developing questioning, listening, demonstration skills and the delivery of
- Understanding collection analysis/monitoring skills in group analysis and
one to one analysis.
Training Enquiries
Training Courses