The starting point is normally to agree a comprehensive sales strategy for the client. Our consultants work with management to develop a workable sales plan that will meet the business objectives. We are then in a position to compare the planned sales campaign with the marketing plan. Once the marketing and collateral are synchronised, CPL can create a suitable sales delivery process
For success, you will need the right full-time staff on board and our Recruitment Division can assist in finding suitable candidates. Once on-board, CPL can monitor progress and fine-tune aspects of the strategy to ensure that the expected results are achieved.
Working for sales teams within the credit industry, Trevor Phillips can provide a wide range of tailor-made courses to assist product/service placement.
With our partnership with Business Dynamics (UK) Ltd we can offer an extended range of courses in marketing and sales. Like ourselves, their approach is to consider the message you want conveyed, the profile of the personnel, and the most appropriate medium for delivering that training {PowerPoint, DVD, personal presentation, booklets, e-learning, etc.]. Following a Training Needs Analysis we can work with you to delelop training programmes that will deliver major corporate benefits, together with feedback mechanisms for monitoring, understanding and acceptance, and provide on-going updates for existing and new staff.
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