Kemnal Manor, Chislehurst



The derelict grounds of Kemnal manor and adjacent land are being considered for use as a burial ground.

ACTA carried out ecological surveys, assessed the impact of the proposals and prepared a management plan, undertaking the following surveys:
National Vegetation Classification
veteran trees
Great Crested Newt

The site has relict wood pasture with a flora and fauna typical of this habitat which once dominated the Chislehurst area. But there are lower value habitats associated with ornamental grounds and reclaimed land. It was possible to develop a strategy for use of the site which took account of these differences and the potential for habitat restoration, creation and management.

Other ecological impact assessments
Bexhill - Hastings Link Road
Victoria Works
North East Bexhill



The site has some outstanding veteran trees surviving from the wood pasture that once dominated much of the locality. Guidelines for their conservation were prepared

Stag Beetles, which are a Biodiversity Action Plan
priority species are associated with the veteran trees

Mapping of the ground vegetation distinguished between the flora of relict wood pasture and that which had developed on more recent disturbed ground

Song Thrush is one of the Biodiversity Action Plan
species that would benefit from vegetation
The site has high wildlife potential within an urban fringe area



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