Serco Carbon Footprint
Baqus display
Sabre display
Chapel House
Southern Railways
Serco Scouts Exhibition


Serco Carbon Footprint

Large exhibition stand designed for Serco Local Government. Serco wanted to promote their aims to reduce their carbon footprint. We also designed invitations to the event using the same styling.

Baqus display

Pop up display system combing straight wall display, roller banner and display counter.

Sabre display

Part of the free-standing display created for Sabre Employment.

Chapel House

A modular panel display system which can have additional panels added to create a larger display.

Southern Railways

Free standing panel display system to promote Southern Railways hot air balloon days at outside events.

Serco Scouts Exhibition

Stand designed to promote the Scouts Environmental Badge sponsored by Serco. WDA was involved from the initial concept and created 3D graphics to visualise the design to the client.

The frame for the stand was built by Serco’s own carpenters from wooden posts with a digital print of the woods to create the scene along with a grass styled flooring. Wooden logs were used to create seats and a camp fire.