Parham Park



Parham is a grade II* registered park and a Site of Special Scientific Interest in West Sussex within the South Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. ACTA was commissioned by Parham Estate to prepare an historic park restoration plan which was the basis for a successful application for grant aid under the Countryside Stewardship Scheme.

The scope of work included;
analysis of topography, soils, access and current landuse
assessment of nature conservation interest
analysis of historical development
assessment of significance of archaeological and historic landscape features
analysis of restoration and management issues
restoration proposals.

The proposals included arable reversion of farmland on the edge of the park, restoration of acid mires and long-term replacements for veteran trees.

Other conservation and management plans:
Alexandra Park
Dunorlan Park
St. Leonards



One of the main characteristics of the site is an open landscape with scattered veteran trees.
This aspect of the site is important habitat for the rare Field Cricket

ACTA’s research showed that the church and manor house are the survivor of two separate manorial centres

Parham is of major importance for its veteran trees and the lichens and insects that they support

The sixteenth-century Parham House lies at the centre of a complex landscape where planting over several centuries has used the dramatic natural landforms to create dramatic vies and vistas against the backdrop
of the South Downs



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