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In 2004 Young’s Brewers were seeking to offer a range of high quality and traditional meal accompaniments for their food offer. Young’s are a high quality brewer, family owned, and with very definite roots steeped in tradition, whilst also being a innovative and forward thinking owner operator.

The range of accompaniments sought had to reflect Young’s ‘history’ while bringing innovation by, if possible, developing the products using several of Young’s very splendid ales.

The requirement was for 6 products to be placed on each table operating their food offer within all of their houses.

B&DFL carried out an in depth assessment of the Young’s food offer and arrived at a suggested list of possibilities. This list was honed down to a range of 6 and then B&DFL New Product Development (NPD) extensively tested most of the Young’s Ales (a tough job but someone had to do it) and presented recipe suggestions Young’s. A bit more honing down and yes, more ale testing, did the job and the range was presented complete with bespoke labelling. It gained acceptance in December 04 for an early 05 launch.

Young’s key working relationship: 1. NPD Executive Head Chef. 2. Master Brewer. 3. House Managers.

Training aids on the products were produced by B&DFL in the form of several Powerpoint Presentations.

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