7 reasons to use Employer Engagement

1. Time

We will save you time and lots of it. Drawing down funding for Train to Gain involves lots of bureaucracyform filling, eligibility criteria, health and safety regulations etc. We will ensure we take as much of this away from you as possible and where necessary make it very easy to put things intoplace to draw down the funding. We are a wealth of information about government funding not just Train to Gain.

2. Breadth of Services

You may need to use more than one college or training provider. Rather than steer you toward solutions because they are the courses we provide, we will work out what’sright for you. We will find the training to solve your problems not ours!

3. Value

Not all training is valuable. To add value to an organisation you need to ensure we have correctly identified the strategic issues of your organisation and have a measurable outcome with which to assess at the end of the training. Far too often people deliver training without holding themselves accountable to its impact. It will never be a panacea to all your business problems but training should at least be part of the solution.

4. Other services

Not just Train to Gain but a variety of other schemes could add value to your business. From work experience schemes for graduates to free advice on interviewing techniques. We can keep an eye on the market and update you on any relevant changes.

5. Funding changes

Not just different products but the same products may change. Train to Gain services you are not eligible for today you may be tomorrow. We need to keep an eye on developments and changes to criteria with schemes such as Train to Gain and make sure you don’t miss out.

6. Save money

Using our service is free because we charge the training providers a fee for introducing you. Obviously you will pay some costs depending on the training that is right for your organisation. By selling packages of training to a variety of different colleges however we can use our purchasing power to negotiate significant savings on any charges.

7. Continuous Improvement

We survey results. Quite simply we assess the impact of the training delivered. If your expectations are exceeded we can raise the bar next time. If not we need to evaluate what we could have done better. What could the training organisation have done better and what could your organisation have done better. If this process is not followed through we miss an incredible opportunity to understand the dynamics of your organisations culture and the strategic issues you face.